Exam Related Grievances
Mechanism to deal with examination related grievances is transparent, time- bound and efficient.
- At the beginning of the semester, faculty members inform the students about the various components in the assessment process during the semester.
- The internal assessment test schedules are prepared as per the university and communicated to the students well in advance.
- To ensure proper conduct of formative tests, two invigilators are assigned to each hall. Evaluation is done by the course handling faculty members within three days from the date of examination.
- The corrected answer scripts at random are verified by HOD to ensure the standard evaluation process.
- The corrected answer papers of the students are distributed to them for the verification by the students and any grievance is redressed immediately. The marks obtained by the students in internal assessment tests are displayed on the department notice board.
- Noting the values in observation and validating the theoretical aspects student must submit lab record regularly.
- Day to day performance of the students is assessed for every experiment which includes regularity, performance, viva and the promptness in submitting the record.
- For lab courses, the marks/grade scored by the student for each experiment is indicated in the observation/record. The independent learning, practical approach to the real-time applications is tested by viva voce for laboratory courses.
- For the quality of the projects, the evaluation is done by Project Review Committee along with the project guides.
- The end examination for the laboratory and projects shall be conducted with internal and external examiner appointed from the other colleges as decided by the University.
- Departmental Level: The continuous evaluation of students is carried out by faculty regarding theory lectures, labs, assignments, unit tests. The midterm marks are allotted based on defined strategies and displayed on notice board. Query if any is discussed with faculty and HOD.
- College Level: The Institute appoints a Senior Supervisor for smooth conduction of examinations of KTU. If students are facing any problems, they are solved by the institution Chief Examination Officer. The grievances during the conduction of online/theory examinations are considered and discussed in consultation with the Principal and if necessary forwarded to the university by examination section.
- Redressal of grievances at University level: The queries related to results, corrections in mark sheets, other certificates issued by university are handled at KTU examination section after forwarding such quires through the college examination section. Students are allowed to apply for revaluation, recounting and challenged evaluation by paying necessary processing fee to university if they are not satisfied with the university evaluation through college.
There is complete transparency in the internal assessment. The criterion adopted is as directed by the university.
Redressal of grievances at institute level: