Student project "ATOM"

Student project "ATOM"

The graph on the development that the world has achieved until today shoes an extension to our laziness or point out the tendency to switch on to a digital world. Moreover, we have come across many situations where we feel that time swallows us and at those circumstances we all might have said, "If a robot would have been there to do our works simply?" Do you...? Yes... There launches our project to make this illusion into reality. The paper presents a robot which is able to imitate various movements. The use of compact human model reduces the complexity in computation. The paper focuses on humanoid robot, which is capable of imitating human body motions in real-time. In order to reduce the complexity; a solid human model is used for imitating body movements. In our project we consider the end effector as hand particularly. The human motion is captured with InvenSense MPU-6050 sensor consisting of 3-axis gyroscope & accelerometer on same silicon die, attached to the individual body parts. In addition, our prototype is capable of measuring the distance from the obstacles in front of it. It can even sense the color of the objects ahead of the detector, along with pre-programmed speaking ability.

As we know that there are numerous risk prone areas where human works, like.. Employment of robots could save the life of human, which led to Atom - The Humanoid.

ATOM is driven by Arduino platform. The prototype is embedded with movements about up & down (pitch) and tilt (roll) motions. These motions are made practical to both head and arms. Motions are executed through simple Arduino programming. Motions are later experimented with the use of InvenSense attached to the arm and forehead of the instructor. Movements made by the instructor, activates the MEMS grabber bounded in the sensor.

Press Release

Date & Time:13-01-25 19:29:56
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