International Conferences

International Conferences

ICSCS 2018


Springer International Conference on soft computing systems was held on 19th of April,2018. HG Zachariah Mar AnthoniosMetropiltan, Manager of BMCE lighted the traditional lamp .Dr.L.Padma Suresh, Principal BMCE & Conference chair, welcomed the gathering. Prof. GanapatiPanda, Professor, IIT Bhubaneswar was the chief guest. Dr.Swagatam Das, Indian Statistical Institue ,Kolkota , Dr.Mirtha Nelly Aldave ,West Hartford, USA ,Sri .Mihir Narayana Mohanty, Professor ,Siksha 'O' Anusandhan, Odisha delivered the special addresses. The conference CD was released by Administrator of BMCE, Rev Fr Thomas Varghese. After the inaugural ceremony, Prof. Ganapati Panda and Dr.Swagatam Das delivered keynote addresses on Recent trends in Soft computing and applications and Deep machine learning- Foundation to future challenges respectively .About 434 papers were received and 139 papers were selected and presented.The best paper awards were presented in respective technical sessions.

ICCPCT '17(International conference on Circuit, Power and Computing Technologies)


IEEE International conference on Circuit,Power and Computing Technologies was conducted on 20th and 21st of April 2017. HG Zachariah Mar AnthoniosMetropiltan, Manager of BMCE lighted the traditional lamp. Dr.LPadma Suresh, Principal BMCE & Conference chair, welcomed the gathering .Sri Arul Jerald Prakash, Director, Priyadarshini Planetarium ,TVM was the chief guest. Dr.Swagatam Das, Indian Statistical Institue ,Kolkota, Dr.Ishak Arris, University Putra Malaysia, Dr. Chandana Pereira ,University of Ruhana, Srilanka, Prof Kim Kyung-tae, Hannam University South Korea delivered the special addresses. The conference CD was released by Administrator of BMCE, Rev Fr Thomas Varghese .After the inaugural ceremony , Dr.Ishak Arris and Prof Kim Kyung-tae delivered keynote addresses on Intelligent Energy efficient vehicle for sustainable mobility and 4 questions in digital image processing respectively. 569 papers were received and 241 papers were presented.The best paper awards were presented in respective technical sessions.

ICETT'16(International conference on Emerging Technology Trends)


The International conference on Emerging Technology Trends, sponsored by IEEE solid state circuits chapter ,was conducted on 21st of October ,2016.The meeting started with the lighting of lamp by Manager of BMCE, H G Zachariah Mar AnthoniosMetropolitan.Dr.L Padma Suresh, Principal BMCE & Conference chair, welcomed the gathering. Dr M.Madheswaran, Chairman, IEEE India Council Chapter gave the chief guest address followed by special addresses by Dr.SisilKumaravadu, Professor, and Dr.NattachoteRughthaicharoencheep, .The conference CD was released by Administrator of BMCE Rev Fr Thomas Varghese . After the inaugural ceremony, Dr.Debabrata Sharma and Dr.NattachoteRughthaicharoencheep delivered the keynote addresses on Analysis and Classification of Synthetic Radar Images and Distribution system planning and operation with distributed systems respectively Around 400 papers were received and 144 papers were presented. The best paper awards were presented in respective technical sessions.

ICETT 2012


ICETT 2012, a mega two day conference at Hotel Beach Orchid, Kollam was held on 20th Feb and on 21st Feb 2012.This conference was hosted by BASELIOS MATHEWS II COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING,KOLLAM in association with PENTAGRAM RESEARCH CENTRE PVT LTD,HYDERABAD.The main objective behind ICETT was the exchange of information between the great minds, making one and all sentient and updated about the advancement in the engineering field through presentations, vocalizations, vicarious experiences and through discussions between students, academicians, researchers, and professionals.The conference instigated with a prayer followed by the welcome address by Prof. Biji Kumar R [Organizing Chairman ICETT 2012], Presidential address by Prof. Dr. E Vasudevan Nampoothiri [Principal, BMCE], Inauguration by Rev. Fr. Thomas Varghese [Administrator, BMCE] thereafter it being chased by six edifying plenary sessions spilt equally in the two consecutive days. It goes indubitable that the sessions were totally clued-up and vastly edifying. But beyond that, what crowned this conference was the charismatic and overwhelming presence of the highbrowed, cerebral and erudite dignitaries in the venue and their profound words and thoughts to the audience would be beyond words to describe.

ICETT - 2011: Pioneering a New Era


International Conference on Emerging Technology Trends (ICETT-2011) on Cloud Computing was a conference organized by BMCE. ICETT-2011 was globally recognized and endorsed by IJCA and Foundation of Computer Science (FCS). The major objective of ICETT-2011 was to create a vibrant, knowledge-rich environment by bringing together renowned personalities from various professional domains such as Scientists, Researchers, Academicians, Corporate & Industry Professionals, technically sound students as well as Entrepreneurs of various organizations all over the world. Many Research papers presented at ICETT - 2011 were published in IJCA. Papers are available in the link for open access.More than 600 papers were presented by delegates from India and abroad. Plenary sessions were handled by Professors from foreign universities, IIT's, NIT's and experts from Microsoft, HP, IBM, VMware, Cisco, Dell, Wipro, Rittal, Intel, Pacific Controls and Schneider on Cloud Computing

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