Tech fest

Tech fest




Apart from the regular academic activities, our scholars are also nurtured with organizational and inter-personal skills, which would enable the growth of managerial capabilities within themselves. To get this strategized, a common platform is highly essential where both educating and student community can interact together as a single family, and venturing for a diverse range of activities. The intercollegiate tech fest of BMCE is organized on every year with unique names. The fest, in association with the six branches includes a variety of events like auto expo, circuit debugging, paper presentation, project exhibition and competition for school going students, etc with little emphasize to fun . The objective of the fest is to bring the students of various streams from different institutes on a common platform where they are encouraged to share knowledge and innovative ideas. It also aims to exhibit the talents and skills of the aspiring Engineers both in Technical and Non-technical ways.

The Computer Science department conducts "CSESTA 20" Department level technical event on 2020 March 6 and 7 and received overwhelming response in all its events and was a magnificent success.. The motive of this event is to develop various skills of students in Co-Curricular activities and to expose them to the current trends in the technical and professional fields. CSESTA 20 includes various events like:

A hologram is made by superimposing a second wavefront (normally called the reference beam) on the wavefront of interest, thereby generating an interference pattern which is recorded on a physical medium. When only the second wavefront illuminates the interference pattern, it is diffracted to recreate the original wavefront. Holograms can also be computer-generated by modelling the two wavefronts and adding them together digitally. The resulting digital image is then printed onto a suitable mask or film and illuminated by a suitable source to reconstruct the wavefront of interest.

This Workshop based on "How to make line follower Robot". This robot is an automated guided vehicle, which follow a visual line embedded in the floor. Usually, the visual line is the path in which the line follower robot goes and it will be a black line on a white surface, but the other way (white line on a black surface) is also possible.

Digital cinema refers to adoption of digital technology within the film industry to distribute or project motion pictures as opposed to the historical use of reels of motion picture film, such as 35 mm film. Whereas film reels have to be shipped to movie theaters, a digital movie can be distributed to cinemas in a number of ways: over the Internet or dedicated satellite links, or by sending hard drives or optical discs such as Blu-ray discs.Digital movies are projected using a digital video projector instead of a film projector, are shot using digital movie cameras and edited using a non-linear editing system

Date & Time:17-02-25 20:06:27
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Baselios Mathews II College of Engineering

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