Research At A Glance

Research At A Glance


Research & Development

  • Develop scientific research infrastructure along with sustaining the creative abilities of faculty and students and generating an appropriate climate leading to intellectual innovation
  • Undertake co-ordinated, multidisciplinary research aimed at more effective global and societal responses towards frontier issues in science & technology
  • Design fundamental and applied research to develop novel products and solutions to existing problems
  • Support and develop distinctive competencies of faculty and students to build a new generation of researchers and entrepreneurs
  • Engineering & Technology
  • Technology transfer initiated for various research schemes.
  • Provide a conducive environment for research and allocate infrastructural facilities.
  • Encourage and extend support to faculty and researchers from different disciplines that may lead into innovative product developments.
  • Insist on social responsibilities while pursuing research.
  • Promote research culture through teaching-learning process.
  • Collect and circulate information of potential funding agencies for financial assistance.
  • Document status of research activities, and research highlights.
  • Scrutinize and approve research proposals for submission to various funding agencies
  • Organize workshops and awareness programs to inculcate research culture among faculty and prospective researchers.

In association with leading Research Organization, Pentagram Research Centre, BMCE launched a Computer Vision Research Laboratory in order to help the faculty and students to do research and publish papers in the field of Signal and Image Processing. Video Image Processing, 3D Image Processing and Knowledge Based Image Processing are the core areas of Research. We are using Logical Image Processing System version 3.0 is a collection of a number of image processing tools developed using Visual C++ and it works in Windows environment. The algorithms pertaining to most of the routines in this package have been developed in a novel logico-mathematical framework called Cellular Logic Array Processing (CLAP). This nontraditional paradigm advocates pattern-directed Search And Replace (SAR) techniques, and so, it guarantees speed and precision

Research at BMCE aims to develop innovative solutions to the world's most daunting challenges. From addressing the requirements of tomorrow BMCE's research efforts are enhanced through collaborations with leading research institutes and consortia around the world to provide cutting edge research activities.

Livelihood in a new-fangled atmosphere can be a taxing and sometimes off-putting experience, in particular for young students who are entering the Engineering College for the first time. Keeping these things in mind, BMCE provides all the basic facilities and support services on the campus to help students pursue their studies and research without any hindrance. Services of the central library and computer center are some of the services that are heavily used by the students. All these central facilities are well equipped with the necessary infrastructure.

It is important that for the higher Research degree such as Ph.D, the applicant has the choice of the area of research. It is equally beneficial, if the Place of Research and the Research Supervisor are identified by the researcher him/her self. Considering these, in the application format, the Place of Research and the Research Supervisor are required to be filled in by the candidates. KTU does not provide list of Places of Research or names of Research Supervisors. The University reserves the right to verify the qualifications of the applicants and also the credentials of the proposed Place of Research and of the Research Supervisor. The Ph.D applicants are advised to contact the authorities of the affiliated Colleges and the prospective Research supervisors before filling in the applications.

The stipulations with regard to the qualifications of the candidate and the eligibility criteria to be the Place of Research and to be a Research Supervisor are given in the Ph.D Regulations which are publicized in the KTU website.

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Baselios Mathews II College of Engineering

Address: Lake View, Muthupilakadu,
Sasthamcotta, Kollam,
Kerala, India - 690 520,

(+91) 0476-2835579

(+91) 8281801579