Digital e-Resources

Digital e-Resources

Knimbus e-library platform

Our college library also facilitates Knimbus e-library platform. Knimbus curates and categorizes high quality content useful for students including 1000s of open access journals published by Elsevier, Sciencedirect, Taylor and Francis, e-books, videos, research theses and course documents. It provides access to more than 18,000 full text e-journals and more than 85,000 e-books. The Mobile eLibrary App mLibrary offers a multi-format; content delivery App for users to consume eBook collections, articles, eCourse materials, latest journal issues and multimedia learning content. Patrons can access the entire library on their smart phone from anywhere, at anytime. The Mobile eLibary App integrate the OPAC records so that patrons can check the availability of physical books. Knimbus Mobile App is available for both Android and iOS. A smart phone with internet connectivity is required to use the Mobile App.


Our college library also facilitates DELNET database which has a network of about 6,300 libraries providing access to more than 79 lakh full text documents including e-books, e-articles and e-journals. It provides facilities for subscribing to various Indian and foreign periodicals in different disciplines. It also provides access to the ‘World ebook library’ with nearly 30 lakh e-books. It also provides access to more than three crore catalogue records of books, journals, articles, etc. with the facility to borrow books and get copies of journal articles.

National Digital Library

Our college library is registered member of National Digital Library, An initiative of MHRD, Govt. of India. NDL India is designed to hold content of any language and provides interface support for leading Indian languages. It is arranged to provide support for all academic levels including researchers and lifelong learners, all disciplines, all popular form of access devices and differently-abled learners. It is being developed to help students to prepare for entrance and competitive examination, to enable people to learn and prepare from best practices from all over the world and to facilitate researchers to perform inter-linked exploration from multiple sources.

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Baselios Mathews II College of Engineering

Address: Lake View, Muthupilakadu,
Sasthamcotta, Kollam,
Kerala, India - 690 520,

(+91) 0476-2835579

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